German women were r*ped by all armies at the end of the second world war. From the archive, 17 June 1955:

 German women were r*ped by all armies at the end of the second world war. From the archive, 17 June 1955:

Two years after the end of the war Berlin still smelled of death. Each street contained dozens of ruins and every ruin, especially after rain had fallen and there was still a dampness in the air, retained the same sickly smell. It may have been, as some

Germans honestly believed, corpses buried beneath them, or it may have been the state of the drains. It may simply have been the projection of a short but stormy past into the greyness of that particularly uninviting present.

Here are some images containing Graphic content visual material that is considered disturbing, offensive, or inappropriate. images from Execution of torturers and violence. 


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