Mob that beat her to death, burned her body and tossed her into a river. Outrage after woman’s burning shows a changing Afghanistan

Mob that beat her to death, burned her body and tossed her into a river. Outrage after woman’s burning shows a changing Afghanistan The murder earlier this month of 27-year-old Farkhunda at the hands of a mob that beat her to death, burned her body and tossed her into a river shocked Afghanistan, a country in which unspeakable things often hit the headlines. The young woman from Kabul was falsely accused of burning pages in the Holy Quran. What followed was the horror of mob rule, all captured on video while bystanders looked on. Soon after the incident, the images of her brutal slaying went viral on social media, noted Afghanistan’s TOLO News. And this time, the outrage led Afghans to the streets, with assistance from Facebook and other social media. These platforms have served both to disseminate the images of her savage beating and murder and as a means for convening those who are mobilizing and organizing to protest her killing. Last week, crowds...